CRM, Lead and Sales Manager

CRM, Lead and Sales Manager

A powerful app for building a CRM database and adding, monitoring and reporting on leads and sales

Runs on tablet, desktop, and mobile

Use this beautifully clean app to create your own CRM whilst managing, tracking on reports on your teams Leads and Sales.

In this app your company is able to build a CRM of Organisations and Employees with ease, and then start managing Leads and Sales through a suite of tools such as follow up dates, status tracking, commenting on leads and much more.

You are able to customise your Home Screen to suit add your own Company Name and logo, as well as make the look and feel suit you. The app comes with a stepped guide to help you with this set up.

Coming with three user types you are able to deploy and focus your team based on which role they are given. You can also report on user performance on leads and sales.

The App comes with an awesome dynamic Dashboard which is able to be date filtered at the click of a button! This is a desired feature among Glide users and in this app you can see how this works using simple ideas and logic. Or, simply get busy using it!

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