Date Pickers

Pick a date or date and time.

Pick a date or date/time

Date Pickers can be used in Forms or Details/Custom screens to allow users to add or edit dates in your app. Depending on the type of Date Picker that you select, users will be asked to enter a date, or both date and time values.

Types of date pickers

The Date component allows users to add or edit dates in your app.

The Date Time component allows users to add or edit dates and times in your app.

The Date component will automatically choose 12:00 AM as the time for inputted dates, though this is not visible to users unless you choose a Date & Time format for your column. If you'd like to capture a different time for entered dates, use the Date Time component.

Setting up Date Pickers

  1. In the Layout Editor of your app, select the tab you want to edit.

  2. Click on the plus (+) symbol in the Components panel.

  3. Select the Date or Date and Time component under Form Elements.

  4. In the General tab on the right side of the Layout Editor, locate the Data section. In the Column field, select the destination to store the inputted value.

  5. Select a Label and Placeholder for the component. These can be columns from your data source or Custom Values.

  6. If you're using an entry component within a Form screen, you can select Required if you want the field to be required.

  7. If you want to restrict users from being able to select past or future dates, you can choose a range. By default, the range is set to allow All dates, but you can also choose to only allow current and previous dates, or current and future dates.

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Updated more than a week ago
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