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Father and Son Duo Build an Agency with 63+ Clients across 9+ countries


apps developed

Clients in 9+


3x revenue

in last three years

Mark Brooks

Mark Brooks


Oscar Brooks

Oscar Brooks


Use case

Field Operations



Glide for


“Glide sparked my interest because it’s really powerful. So I went away and did my own research and looked at all the competitive tools. Glide quite clearly was the one. At that point, we decided that we were going to make a full-on career for both of us out of it. That's really how it started and we've had a lot of fun doing it.”

Mark and Oscar are a father-and-son duo and the co-founders of V88, one of the largest agencies building software solutions with Glide. They had very little experience consulting at the time. Still, they knew that they had the capability to create affordable software solutions using Glide and reached out to a couple of local businesses. The feedback they received was “mind-blowingly good” and convinced them that they could make a difference in the people's lives—and a full-time career for them both. Mark was feeling jaded from a long career as a tech founder, but Glide was like a breath of fresh air, as he puts it. He notes that they’ve been able to deliver fantastic solutions with it, enabling them to work together as father and son which neither of them saw coming. One of the best parts of the job is their ability to work together as a team and with clients to see things through and watch their projects evolve. The real fun is seeing a solution they built out in the world, getting feedback, and tweaking it to make it even better.

They chose to work with Glide because of the powerful data editor and its design approach. Oscar says, “You have some constraints regarding what you can do with the UI, but these are good constraints. They're a little bit Apple-esque in many ways because it makes it extremely difficult to produce a solution that doesn't look beautiful. You don't have to think too much about your Glide app's look, feel, and design. It's going to come out and look great. That enables you to think a bit more about the data and how it should fit together, and it lets you really spend time thinking about the user experience and getting the architecture right.”

Today, their clients range from startups working on MVPs to service-based businesses (think coaches, instructors, agencies, etc.) and larger corporations, including local government bodies. For Mark and Oscar, Glide is an awesome tool that lets them do difficult or impossible things with other platforms. They appreciate that it can ingest large amounts of data and remain robust, which is really important to their clients. As they put it, one thing they’ve learned from years in the space is that if you give a solution to customers and it breaks, you’ll very quickly get a bad name for yourself. As Mark says, “We’re lucky because Glide just works.”

“One of the most exciting things to come out of Glide is the ongoing transformation of Glide Pages. Now with Glide Pages, we're able to deliver fully functioning portals and that's played a massive role in our business. Because a lot of what we do is for businesses and looking at ways to improve their efficiency, it’s had a huge impact on our revenue. It’s a single solution that can scale full screen on the desktop, but also by some magic, manages to look incredible on mobile too. Glide is just an incredible product.”

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